Thursday, September 6, 2007

Antique Fishing Lures: Pfeiffer's Live Minnow Bait Tube

This was a baitholder lure manufactured by Pfeiffer's Live Bait Holder Co., Detroit Michigan. The box actually had a date marked March 3rd 1914. This is a very interesting antique fishing lure as it wasn't wooden and is not synthetic, it's actual glass. You would load up the glass tube with a natural bait and then fish it like any other plug. This lure was actually bought early on a buy it now option from ebay and went for $1,250.00. Not a bad chunk of change at all. Hope they are careful with the shipping as it is made of glass and being that old has to be very frail and fragile by now. Nice find for me as I'd never seen one of these before.

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